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Letter from Rupert Sheldrake - December 13, 2006 - ON THE RESULTS OF TELEPATHY TESTS DONE AFTER HEAL

“Ms. Zaquie Meredith Dear Zaquie, Thanks for your email and the update on your results. This is an interesting point about the two people doing well who have worked together. This could be a factor that improves scores, and in one study identical twins were found to do much better than unrelated people, or even non-twin siblings. The only way to find out if this is an important variable is to do more tests, for example testing pairs of people before they have worked together and afterwards, to see if it makes a difference. And this you’ve done, with interesting results. I think that this kind of test probably does work better with people who are in resonance with each other. But in the real world, the sense of being stared at occurs not only between people who know each other well, but often with strangers. In the wild, I think it is primarily to do with predator-prey relationships. But in this test situation, perhaps the telepathic component becomes more important. It would be good if you could repeat some of these tests with people before and after working with each other. I have been to Brazil twice before, but don’t have any plans at present. I’m not sure when it will be possible, but there won’t be time next year. Thank you for all your helpful observations, and do please keep up the research if you can. This is pioneering work! Best wishes

Rupert Sheldrake”

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